Shade produced by trees cools the air and ground around them and also cools down the earth’s temperature. Some trees have even become the largest and longest living organisms in the world. The Greek God Adonis was said to have been born of a tree, giving to humanity the strength of the tree’s wooden core, its sky-reaching soul, and the roots, buried deep within Mother Earth that ties our hearts to the center of the world. Many myths surround trees, such as the Tree of Life, and its no wonder why so many people remain enamored by them. So enamored that they have planted large forests surrounding them. Not by seeds. No, seeds would take far too long to sprout.
The Villa Hugel, a vast mansion, decorated with monstrous gargoyles and over 300 rooms, including many secret passages, was built atop a bare hill overlooking a river. It is the dream of many to build a great home, a home that would force any passerby to remain captivated. It was Alfred Krupp, who spent five years designing the Villa Hugel and then built it. He then developed a desire to be surrounded by trees. He was nearly 60, and couldn’t possibly wait for the seeds to grow, and so an entire forest of full-grown trees was planted. Having a wish like this come true, only proved, he was one of the most powerful businessmen in the world, and most certainly the most important entrepreneur of Germany at the time.
Alfred Krupp, a «merchant of death», was a big contribution to Germany economically. He sold weapons to 46 countries from Europe to China, receiving military honors and fabulous gifts from many of those nations. He made the great victory of 1871 possible, when Prussia defeated France, bringing unity to Germany. Though at first, after Alfred’s father died and Alfred took over, the business had nearly become worthless. There were flaws in the metals, making the costumers scarce. But, it didn’t take long for the soon to be number one merchant of Germany to perfect them. He then showed off his talent in the Great Exhibition in London (1851). There, Krupp displayed his perfect cast steel ingot, weighing 2 tons. He then started becoming famous. Almost overnight Krupp guns became a status symbol for 19th-century nations. In many ways, Alfred Krupp was the founder of modern warfare.
The profits from his fame went to artillery and expanding the Krupp business. He built his steel mills on top of his coal mines. In 1852, Alfred Krupp invented the seamless wheel flange for railways; its success makes his company one of the largest in 19th century Europe. As his industry grew in the 1860′s, he built a model settlement with villages for workers. The villages included schools, libraries, stores, and playgrounds. Krupp now saw himself as a requirement to the new German empire. Though, beneath all his fame, there were problems. He later had no success in getting money from the government. And though he had the largest enterprise in Europe, there was still no way he could escape the 1873 economic depression. Krupp needed money but he was already in deep debt. No bank could meet his vast requirement. France also had to make damage payments to Germany after the Franco-Prussian War, which shut down banks all over Europe.
If Krupp were was to divide his strength between company and politics, the company would suffer; so, therefore, he left his social position in politics absent. Since he couldn’t fit in with politics he became part of the Illuminati. While America was soon to be facing a revolution themselves, a German professor at Ingolstadt (University of Sciences) founded the new rationalistic society of Illuminati. It was formed so that people could directly communicate with God or the Holy Spirit. The professor wanted to prove that external forms of religious life were unnecessary; it could all be done in the mind. The Roman Catholic Church condemned the Illuminists. Some have said they wanted to rule the world; they thought all religion should be based on Illuminist ideas. The Illuminati quickly added many to the society. Alfred Krupp was one who accepted their beliefs, but strangely, unlike most believers of God, he feared death and was said to have fired any employees who brought up the subject in his presence. Krupp even offered to pay his doctor one million dollars if he could prolong his life 10 years. To have total faith in God is printed in the Bible, and to worry is a sin. The later generation of Krupp’s still chose to be a part of the Illuminati. They kept close tabs and gave secret support to Hitler on his rise to power.
Krupp wasn’t involved with anything politically. He declined invitations to join political bodies and associations. He couldn’t handle it. Krupp also didn’t let any of his workers be mare ers of trade unions or political parties. His attitude was anti-democratic, feudalistic and patriarchal, which is a society governed by men.
There are many ways Krupp’s life has been altered by national and global events. When the Franco-Prussian War came around, he was given more business. He supplied the guns and artillery for Prussia making its victory possible. France had to make damage payments to Germany after the Franco-Prussian War and that shut down banks all over Europe. This is when he needed the banks most. Though he was in deep debt, as still looking for more money to borrow. In the summer of 1838, Alfred Krupp left his business and moved to Paris. During that year, he couldn’t seem to stick in one place and began traveling the Midlands of England. He quit traveling that winter and lived in Liverpool for 5 months with an English family named Lightbody. By the summer of 1839, he was back in Essen, Germany. By then, the Krupp fortunes had begun to take a turn. He didn’t have anything else but his business. No political party was open for him. And so, he joined the Illuminati.