Рассказ о спорте на английском языке и его влиянии на здоровье под названием “Sport and a healthy lifestyle”. Этот текст для тренировки в чтение с переводом.
The benefits of a healthy lifestyle are well known and for many years beyond doubt. High-quality and balanced nutrition, sound sleep, feasible physical labor, frequent walks in the fresh air — all these aspects largely help strengthen the body, contribute to youth and longevity. However, it is a sport in a person’s life that becomes the most powerful and effective factor in maintaining health.
Sport in every way contributes to the harmonious development of man, and in particular, it is important at a young age. That is why both boys and girls are recommended regular exercise from a very young age so that he can exert his beneficial influence and lay a good foundation for health for many, many years.
Sports are an integral part of a person’s life, providing the necessary activity. Physical culture and sports give a charge of cheerfulness and optimism, strengthen the immune system and thereby protect people from various diseases.
Sport is inseparably connected with hardening, and this moment is extremely important, because a person’s resistance to all kinds of external factors, such as low temperatures, dampness or heat, ensures his good health throughout life.
Playing sports, you can also note with pleasure and joy the lightness and flexibility of your body, muscle strength, the elasticity of joints because the excellent physical shape is a worthy reward to anyone who willingly overcomes laziness and confidently strives towards their own perfection.
However, the benefits of physical culture are not limited to health-improving functions. Sport is also an excellent mood, high vitality, and an extraordinary emotional elation, and this is an excellent basis for striving for success, new challenges, and fruitful work.