Speaking of what programming is in modern interpretation, it is necessary to look at the history of its occurrence. In fact, the automated execution of certain actions, for example, in the field of mathematical calculations, known to mankind for a long time. Remember at least Ancient Greece, which was used as a device with gears of different sizes, allowing to produce simple arithmetic operations.
It was a real prototype of a modern calculator. In 1206, there was a unique device for tracking the so-called Metonic cycle, built by al-Jazari, who used complex at the time mechanisms based on clamps and Cams. Only in 1804 saw the light jacquard loom, which was able to reproduce patterns on fabrics created on the basis of punch cards. But the real breakthrough was a programmable analytical device, developed by Charles Babbage, which unfortunately was never built during his lifetime.
But in 1846 Byron’s daughter created the world’s first program for an analytical engine that solved the Bernoulli equation. Of course, the programming algorithms used by the Countess Ada Augusta Lovelace were very primitive, but they laid the very grain that was used in the creation of modern computer programs. And it is considered around the world ancestor of programming.