My favorite food — Моя любимая еда

Текст о еде на англий­ском язы­ке под назва­ни­ем “My favorite food”. Этот топик для тре­ни­ров­ки в чте­ние с переводом.

Everyone in my family loves to eat. Food has a special place in our life. All women and even men in our family know how to cook. At the same time, we look good and slim.

Each person makes about three meals a day. Of course, we care what we eat. People have different preferences.

My favorite dish is a salad of fresh vegetables. It’s useful. Its undeniable advantage lies not only in the number of vitamins contained in its ingredients but also in the ability to quickly prepare it.

Salad, combining beautifully sliced tomatoes and cucumbers, yellow bell pepper, herbs, and onions, unusually fresh and appetizing! It is bright and fragrant! Putting it on the lettuce leaves, you can get a wonderful dish!

If we talk about my favorite products, it is meat and fish. I love lamb kebabs and grilled fish with vegetables. We have a barbecue at home, so it turns out not so expensive, as, for example, in a restaurant. Also, if it is, for example, winter-you can just bake in the oven. It turns out also very tasty. My favorite soup is borsch. It’s like a first and second course at the same time. Of course, you need to eat it with sour cream and donuts with garlic.