Summer is a small life — Лето это маленькая жизнь

Текст про Лето на англий­ском язы­ке под назва­ни­ем “Summer is a small life”. Этот топик для тре­ни­ров­ки в чте­ние с переводом.

Summer is a special time. You can forget about school for three months. What to do in the summer and how to spend time usefully. Only in the summer, you can start hardening the body. To do this, swim in the river, in the pond, in the shower with cool water or in the pool. But the most useful for swimming and tempering is considered to be salty sea water and coastal marine climate.

On the sea, you can contemplate the beautiful nature: seagulls, waves, dolphins and more. At sea, artists paint oil paintings, their favorite landscapes — a storm, storm, sea dawn or sunset. Poets and writers describe the beauty of the sea in verse or prose. On the seashore, each person has the ability to great, to art. You can collect stones and shells for the aquarium or Souvenirs. You can scuba dive and find corals or starfish on the seabed. In the clear water, even close to the shore you can see flocks of fish-is: pilings, fish-needle, bull, etc.

The sea is good to be in the “velvet season” when the water in the sea warms up well. And in June and July, you can replenish the body with fresh vitamins from cherries, strawberries, watermelon. Vegetables from your garden or garden as useful, especially cucumbers.

The whole year we did well in school and worked that summer was a good opportunity to relax. After all, in nature, everything is interconnected: a hardened child in the summer, not so sick in winter, and therefore less skips classes and better learns the material at school. And if you study well, the parents are sure to be taken to the sea or at least buy a bike, riding on which you can spend part of the summer holidays.

In extreme heat, of course, should not be under the scorching sun. At this time, you can find something to do in the air-conditioned room, for example: to help parents or play Board games. Air baths and tan as it is better to take in the morning or in the evening, as under the scorching sun it will not benefit. To fix the sea tan on the body so that it does not wash off so quickly, you can tan on the river or near the pond, because the pond tan sticks soon. It is a pity that summer is only three months a year.