What is New year? — Новый Год что это?

Текст про Новый год на англий­ском язы­ке под назва­ни­ем “What is New year”. Этот топик для тре­ни­ров­ки в чте­ние с переводом.

Almost all countries of the world like to celebrate the wonderful night of transition from the last day of December to January 1. This is a magical period. The night is loved by both children and adults.

Traditions and features of meeting new year holidays in many houses of the world are important, sometimes fateful. In addition to numerous festivals and feasts, dressed up a coniferous tree, decorated houses, streets. Everything glows, shimmers and glitters. And almost every nation has its own new year’s grandfather. In the Christian world grandfather’s name is Santa Claus. This name comes from the name of St. Nicholas, thanks to a distorted Dutch transcription. He gives gifts to children at Christmas. Santa Claus is more like a father Christmas. Although the New year, it is also welcome.

What does this holiday mean for us? What is the New year? A holiday that gathers loved ones together. And of course, our dear father frost comes to us! This fairy-tale character appeared from distant Slavic myths. Represents the winter frosts and Smiths, the chilling water. The image of Frost, of course, collective. The main motive of Santa is Saint Nicholas, diluted the magic of the deities of the ancient Slavs: Winter, Pozvizd and Stumpy. Our own grandfather comes to boots, blue, rarely red coat, embroidered with silver, with a magic staff. And always with a bag of gifts on his shoulder. He usually moves on three horses.

