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Английские тексты

Лин-Мануэль Миранда - Гамильтон

Alexander Hamilton — Александр Гамильтон

Rarely does a single person stand out as much when solving a problem as Alexander Hamilton did after being appointed Secretary of Treasury on the late 1700s. Our country had a great ...
Витраж - От сада до собрания

The Renaissance — Возрождение (Ренессанс)

When the Renaissance began in the 14th century, art began to take on a different level of expression as time passed by. The 16th century marked a period where the Renaissance was believed ...
И твоя мама тоже - Альфонсо Куарон

Y Tu Mamá También — И твою маму тоже

Y Tu Mama Tambien by Alfonso Cuaron is the movie evaluated in the next paragraphs. The movie is starred by Gael Garcia Bernal, Diego Luna, and the Spanish Maribel Verdu. The movie starts ...
Колледж Святого Сильвестра - Мона Лиза

Plato’s Republic — Республика Платона

We all know that everyone is unique and we’ve all heard that no two beings are alike. Yet sometimes, some people think alike, which then causes people to relate with each other, and ...
Мотивация - Цитата

Consciousness and Motivation — Сознание и мотивация

In the past year, I haven’t been able to achieve very good sleep due to the passing of my mother, however, when I do sleep, I have had many reoccurring dreams about meeting with my ...
Ангел - Дух

Angels — Ангелы

Dickason’s book, «Angels: Elect and Evil» is a great resource of spiritual truth for the Christian Biblical scholar. As believers, we need to be familiar with what the Bible teaches ...
Дельфин - Млекопитающее

Dolphins — Дельфины

«No arguments can rationalize the forced confinement of these social and highly intelligent creatures», said Richard O’Barry1. He is very right. Dolphins are one of the most social ...
Паутина - Книга

Yellow Fever — Жёлтая лихорадка

Dengue is a disease that that came from the Spanish word at the Swahili phrase «ki denga pepo», which means «cramp-like seizure caused by an evil spirit». During an outbreak in ...
Стресс-менеджмент - Психологический стресс

Stress — Стресс

Stress is difficult for many individuals to cope with, especially those who are severely depressed or among other disorders. Unfortunately, stress disrupts our natural physical or psychological ...
Альфред Крупп - Портрет

Alfred Krupp — Альфред Крупп

Shade produced by trees cools the air and ground around them and also cools down the earth’s temperature. Some trees have even become the largest and longest living organisms in the ...
Колизей - Амфитеатр

The Roman Empire — Римская империя

The Roman Empire had a huge task in front of them while it was first starting out and while it was becoming a dominant dynasty in the early civilizations. The main problem that the ...
В поисках Форрестера - Шон Коннери

Finding Forester — Найти Форрестера

Many people go through life without experiencing a loss of someone close to them early on in their life. A father figure in one’s development is essential to becoming unique. Jamal ...
Каллиграфия - Почерк

To what extent is language the most important way of knowing? — Язык — путь к знанию?

To answer this question, let us first define language and knowledge. Language is any system of formalized symbols, signs, sounds, gestures, or the like used or conceived as a means ...
Мечта - Сонник

Dreams — Сны

Dreams are so compelling, and they often seem so weird and strange — surely they must have a «purpose»; that is, an «adaptive role» in the maintenance of our bodily or psychological ...
Злой - Хорошо

Are Human beings Good or Bad — Люди: хорошие или плохие

Are human beings born to be good? Or are we naturally born to be evil? Everyone was born good, but as we are growing up we get influenced by society or the environment around us. Things ...
земной шар - Стоковая фотография

Ecology — Экология

In the original Greek «oikos» means, «house». So ecology is «the study of the house» the place where you live, or the environment which technically includes all those factors, ...
Йеллоустонский Национальный Парк - Вайоминг

Yellowstone — Йеллоустон

Yellowstone Park was also known as Wonderland. There are many hot springs, more than 10,000. The most famous is Old Faithful. There is a smell of sulfur all over the park. The reason ...
Депрессия - мужчина

Suicide — Самоубийство

Every year, thousands of youth die all around the world, not by cancer, car accidents, and other diseases, but by their own hand. These people make the choice that they want to die ...
Папский университет св. Фомы Аквинского - Angelicum - Апофеоз святого Фомы Аквинского

Thomas Aquinas — Фома Аквинский

Thomas Aquinas (1225–1274) lived during the critical period of Western culture. He was born into the arrival of the Aristotelian corpus, which was the reopening of the question between ...
Ford Motor Company - Ford Модель T

The U.S. Economy in the 1920s — Экономика США 20‑х гг

Economic growth in the 1920s was impressive, many Americans would purchase new cars, houses, and appliances, many of these were new products that had recently been invented. The other ...
Поджигатель - Энди МакГи

Firestarter — Воспламеняющая взглядом

The work of Stephen King has been put to film for almost thirty years. The adaptations of King’s stories were at an all-time peak from the late-1970s to the mid-1980s. The movie “Firestarter” ...
Иллюстрация моды - Иллюстрация

Transcendentalism in Modern Art — Трансцендентализм в современном искусстве

The majority of people, when they listen to music they are most likely not thinking about philosophy much less the idea of transcendentalism. In fact, if one were to ask about the transcendentalist ...
Мультфильм - Шрифт

Johari Window — Окно Джохари

There are three different areas in which we completed surveys; relationships with employees, relationships with colleagues, and relationships with supervisors. I was not surprised at ...
Природа - Эволюция

Intelligent Design — Разумный замысел

In this paper, we will be discussing Intelligent Design theory, whether this theory is creationism in disguise? We will look both at what is the meaning of Intelligent Design and Darwinism ...
Загрязнение воздуха - Загрязнение

Economic Systems and Environmental Problems — Экономические системы и проблемы окружающей среды

An economy is a system of production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services that satisfy people’s wants or needs. In any economic system individuals, businesses, and ...
Ticketmaster - StubHub

21st Century Living — Жизнь в XXI веке

The 21st Century is just around the corner and with it will come many changes in today’s modern society. Changes occur daily, yet taken into view yearly these changes become extremely ...
Молодой Франкенштейн - Игорь

Young Frankenstein Film — Молодой Франкенштейн

Color Choices: Filmed in 1974, this movie was filmed in black and white. Our book notes that filming in B/W after the invention of color was a decision based on keeping the audience ...
09738 - Философия

True existence — Истинное существование

Waking life is what we all live but sometimes we cannot decipher whether or not we are awake. Wiley Wiggins quest to find if this world that he lives in is a realm of thought or the ...
Здоровье - Душевное здоровье

Psychology — Психология

As described, there are 10 different perspectives of early psychology. These perspectives are Structuralism, functionalism, Gestalt psychology, Behavioral, psychodynamic, humanistic, ...
Витраж - Окно

Introducing Christian Ethics — Введение в христианскую этику

The book that I have chosen to do my book review on is Introducing Christian Ethics, written by Henlee H. Barnette. This book deals with many Christian ethical decisions based on biblical ...
Изменение климата - Углекислый газ

Global Warming — Глобальное потепление

Humans have ruled this Earth for thousands of years. Blood has been spilled upon the land where the sun once shined. Of course, the sun is still shining above us, but it has a dark ...
Маркетинг - Социальные медиа

Promoting a World Wide Web Site — Продвижение сайта

As we enter the new millennium, more and more businesses are deciding to go along with building what is called sites on the world wide web, better known as a web site. It seems as though ...
Ричи Валенс - Новое танцевальное шоу

Music of the 50s — Музыка 50‑х

The music of the early fifties was influenced by the post-war; its sounds were slow and mostly ballads. This sound came to be known as bubblegum music. It was only until mid-fifties ...
Шрифт - Феномен

Truth — Правда

Knowledge has a close relationship with truth as for belief to be knowledge, it must be true. Thus, it is necessary to understand the existence of truth in order to have a deeper understanding ...
Машина - Машинное обучение

Threat to Humanity — Угроза человечеству

The human race faces all different kinds of threats every day. Disease, nuclear warfare, and global warming are a few that come to mind. Humanity has to constantly think of new ways ...