I love going to the library because I love reading. Many may argue that now, in order to read the book, it is not necessary to go to the library, but I do not agree. Of course, now, thanks to the Internet, thanks to computers, laptops, and e‑books, even phones, books can be read on the Internet in any format. It has become very convenient, because you can take such books everywhere, and you do not need to carry huge printed publications. But on the other hand, I always liked to read printed books, because you can feel the subject. Although the convenience of electronic options, of course, is undeniable. But if you want to read something with the soul, ordinary books will suit much more.
The library is a real Paradise for those who appreciate books and love reading. This is so because the library includes as many books as can not fit in an ordinary house. In the last century, educated and rich people who lived in huge mansions and could afford to maintain an entire library. They had a large room full of books and cupboards with them, where there was a comfortable place to work and read. I would also like to have my own library when I get my own house. The library was also an office and a place to talk, a place where business meetings or negotiations could take place. Very often families gathered in the evening and read to each other aloud. That is, the library has always been the intellectual center of the house.
After the revolution, libraries became public, so many people were able to read, read a lot and read what they want. Libraries have the opportunity to those who did not have the opportunity to constantly buy books, read what was interesting, modern, read the works of classics of Russian and foreign literature, read poetry and prose of great writers who were already known around the world. Libraries gave the Russian people the opportunity to be educated, to come out of the darkness to the light. Therefore, I believe that libraries played a very important role in the formation of the Russian people, as well as good nutrition plays an important role in recovery from illness.
Books can be compared to food and a library to a restaurant. The library is always full of good books that will help develop your mind and imagination, which will help you grow up, look at the world differently, see different situations from the outside. But it always depends on the reader, what kind of dish he chooses. When a person comes to the library, he chooses what he will read, sometimes not listening to the advice of an experienced librarian. Each restaurant has spoiled food, sometimes you need to be very careful that it does not get to you on the dining table.