Spring in April — Весна в Апреле

Текст про вес­ну на англий­ском язы­ке под назва­ни­ем “Spring in April”. Этот топик для тре­ни­ров­ки в чте­ние с переводом.

April is the most beautiful month of the year. At this time comes the real spring. She’s already taken over. The snow has melted in some places, the sun shines brightly, the days become longer. Light feathery clouds sweep through the sky. The earth has already awakened from the winter and in the air fly great smells. Breaks the first green grass. People walk the streets with a smile on their face. And it is not surprising, because in April wakes up all around. They are glad for the new day.

The air warms up warmer and warmer. Increasingly heard the singing of birds. Cheerful babbling streams flow through the streets, merging together. Everything begins to revive, and this is a sign of warm and stable weather. The rivers are already beginning to crack and break the ice. In the fields in the full sun seemed to be thawed first. Spring is so close that it is almost tangible. It’s warm days when you can already take off warm outerwear and spend more time on the street. The sun is much warmer. At the beginning of the month early in the morning is still a little frost. And in the afternoon you can hear the sound of cheerful drops.

The forest awakens and the smell of freshness. Lively voices of birds are heard. They fly and sing beautiful melodies. The forest stands still naked and soaked in moisture. But slowly all nature comes to life after hibernation. The forest becomes bright and gives us joy. In the forest still, jobs lie snow, but the first rain will wash away the remnants of and will clear the stage. In the forest, you can see snowdrops. The trees are still bare, but gradually swell buds. But soon seem green leaves. The birds begin to build their nests. The sun warms the earth, and the first flowers appear.

In April, all nature awakens every day, everything begins to grow and blossom. It is very pleasant to feel how changes are taking place in the native nature, to be happy that spring has finally come. April prepares nature for further gardening. Bees Wake up and begin to fly at the first flowers. But at the moment it is difficult to return to winter because we are waiting for May. People are also happy about such spring transformations. April is a great and beautiful month. And the soul with light and joy from such beautiful weather.