Специальные и разделительные вопросы. Упражнение для закрепления

Упражнения для закрепления

Упраж­не­ние для закрепления.

Построй­те все типы вопро­сов к сле­ду­ю­щим предложениям:

  1. You study English every day.(Tы учишь англий­ский каж­дый день.)
  2. She сап play the piano very well. (Она может играть на пиа­ни­но очень хорошо.)
  3. Не may take my telephone number. (Он может взять мой номер телефона.)
  4. They often visit their grandpar­ents in the village. (Они часто наве­ща­ют сво­их дедуш­ку и бабуш­ку в селе.)
  5. The children were allowed to watch TV in the evening. (Детям раз­ре­шаю? смот­реть теле­ви­зор вечером.)
  6. She likes to sing with her friends. (Она любит петь со сво­и­ми друзьями.)
  7. We must come at school in time. (Мы долж­ны прий­ти в шко­лу вовремя.)
  8. The cat is in the tree. (Кот сидит на дереве.)
  9. You should give up smoking. (Вам сле­ду­ет бро­сить курить.)
  10. I worked in the camp last summer. (Я рабо­тал про­шлым летом в лагере).



1 .When do you study English? 2. How well can she play the piano? 3. What may he take? 4. Where do they often visit their grandparents? 5. When were the children allowed to watch TV? 6. What does she like to do? 7. Why must we come at school in time? 8. Where is the cat? 9. What should I give up? 10. When did you work in the camp?


1 .You study English every day, don’t you? 2. She can play the piano very well, can’t she? 3. He may take my telephone number, may not he? 4. They often visit their grandparents in the village, don’t they? 5. The Children were allowed to watch TV in the evening, weren’t they? 6. She likes to sing with her friends, doesn’t she? 7. We must come at school in time, mustn’t we? 8 The cat is in the tree, isn’t it? 9. You should give up smoking, shouldn’t you? 10.worked in the camp last summer, didn’t I?

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