Walk in the park — Прогулка в парке

Our city park is small but very beautiful. At the entrance are large flower beds of different shapes, from early spring to late autumn, they are covered with a bright floral carpet. This carpet is especially beautiful now, in summer: there are white and red, and yellow, and blue flowers. It should bloom one, as others immediately bloom.

When you pass further along the park paths, surrounded by neat bushes, you fall under the shadow of perennial trees. It is always a little cooler here than in the city, and it is easier to breathe, especially after rain. The foliage of the trees is bright, juicy, it looks very beautiful against a clear blue sky. Raise your head to the sun — you’ll love!

At the far end of the park, there is a small pond. The landscape there is different: there is no longer a neat club and bushes trimmed along a ruler, the terrain looks more like a forest corner, and this has its own charm. Reeds grow on the bank of the pond, water lilies are floating in the water. Sometimes wild ducks fly to the water, and then many people gather on the shore, everyone wants to treat the feathered inhabitants of the reservoir with bread.

Every day a lot of people come to the park: children with parents, and groups of teenagers, and elderly people. Everyone can find something for themselves here, especially in summer, when there are many opportunities for recreation. Those who like to actively spend time, ride the park paths on bicycles, roller skates, and scooters, engage in street bars, play badminton, tennis and other games.

Many here and those who rest quietly. In the summer, on benches under spreading trees, there is no free space, people also sit on the shore of the pond or just on the grass. Read books, play games, sunbathe and enjoy the fresh air. Many of them are photographed; on the background of flowers and greenery, the photos are bright, juicy, summer-like joyful.

In addition, various holidays are held in the park in the summer. These days, the park is transformed even more: balloons, scenes, fairground trays with sweets, fun rides, when dusk is gathering, colorful lanterns are lit. Until late evening, the park is full of life, and do not want to leave.

