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Movies / Кино

North by Northwest — На север через северо-запад
A theme is a concept in the movie that is continued throughout in order to establish a connecting motif that ties the movie together. One prevalent theme in the movie «North by Northwest» ...

Training Day — Тренировочный день
The movie talks about the inner streets conflicts each day in the U.S, a war between residents, drug dealers and the people who try to protect from the other. In the movie, this war, ...

Troy — Троя
For centuries, the story of the Trojan War has been told- Many battles were fought over a woman. In the end, a gigantic wooden horse was rolled into Troy, not as a peace offering, but ...

Wag the Dog — Плутовство
The media is the source of contact we Americans keep with the other parts of the world. Without it how would we know what was going on in the globe? Fox News, CNN, NBC, and many others ...

Wall Street — Уолл-стрит
In the big city of New York there always exist those who push and stretch the law. One such man played by Michael Douglas makes money buying and selling others dreams. He is a stock ...

Wings of Desire — Небо над Берлином
I like foreign films allot, but my favorite film genres are horror and hopeless romance, neither which I have ever associated with German culture. While browsing the titles, I came ...

Y Tu Mamá También — И твою маму тоже
Y Tu Mama Tambien by Alfonso Cuaron is the movie evaluated in the next paragraphs. The movie is starred by Gael Garcia Bernal, Diego Luna, and the Spanish Maribel Verdu. The movie starts ...

Finding Forester — Найти Форрестера
Many people go through life without experiencing a loss of someone close to them early on in their life. A father figure in one’s development is essential to becoming unique. Jamal ...

Firestarter — Воспламеняющая взглядом
The work of Stephen King has been put to film for almost thirty years. The adaptations of King’s stories were at an all-time peak from the late-1970s to the mid-1980s. The movie “Firestarter” ...

Young Frankenstein Film — Молодой Франкенштейн
Color Choices: Filmed in 1974, this movie was filmed in black and white. Our book notes that filming in B/W after the invention of color was a decision based on keeping the audience ...