Science / Наука

Радуга - Картинки

Why does rainbow appear — Почему появляется радуга?

After the rain, we often see such a beautiful phenomenon in the sky as a rainbow. However, not everyone knows why this attractive spectacle appears in the form of an arc of colorful ...
Природа - Обои на стену

Chemistry in nature — Химия в природе

Is chemistry needed in nature? Of course, because nature, like our entire world, consists of it. In our case, oxygen will serve as the most vivid and clear example. This substance is ...
Врач - Медицинский диагноз

Medicine as a field of human activity — Медицина как область человеческой деятельности

Medicine is a separate and very important field of human activity, which is aimed at studying various processes in the human body, treating and preventing various diseases. Medicine ...
Вспышка заболевания - Лихорадка денге

As I once was sick — Как я однажды заболел

Very quickly ended the long-awaited weekend. I had, as usual, to gather in the evening all school supplies by Monday. With a good mood and cheerful spirit before the new school week, ...
Йельская школа медицины - Медицинская школа

The first practice at the medical University — Первая практика в медицинском университете

So, soon first-year students will be time to go to practice (most likely) first in their lives. It usually takes place in the winter, immediately after the first session of the first ...
Обои на стену - Растения

Why do we need biology? — Почему нам нужна биология?

Biology is the science of all living things, be it a human or a tiny microbe. Whether it’s a tree or a bird, a cell or an entire organism. Biology studies how life works, how it feeds, ...
Руководство лаборатории исследования места преступления - Криминалистика

What should be a modern scientist? — Какой должен быть современный ученый?

Once, when the Sun had set and it was possible to admire the stars, it suddenly dawned on me, and I decided to reflect on the topic: “What should be a modern scientist.” In my opinion, ...
Изменение климата - Углекислый газ

Global Warming — Глобальное потепление

Humans have ruled this Earth for thousands of years. Blood has been spilled upon the land where the sun once shined. Of course, the sun is still shining above us, but it has a dark ...
Маглев - Быстрый транзит

Maglev Trains — Поезда на магнитной подушке

The need for fast and reliable transportation is increasing throughout the world. High-speed rail has been the solution for many countries. Trains are fast, comfortable, and energy-efficient. ...
Магниторецепция - Ученый

Magnetoreception — Магниторецепция

The magnetic field of the earth is an important tool for navigation among birds. 18 species of birds have a magnetic compass to aid them in their seasonal migration and home navigation. ...
Мари Кюри - Исследования радиоактивных веществ

Marie Curie — Мария Кюри

Marie Sklodowska was born in Warsaw in 1867. Both her parents were teachers who believed in the importance of education. Marie had her first lessons in physics and chemistry from her ...
Микровзрыв - Авиация

Microburst — Микропорыв

There are many safety factors that pilots have to take into consideration while completing a safe flight. Everything has to be taken into mind wh, en planning a flight. From weight ...
Будильник - Часы

Sleep: Important Function or Waste of Time — Сон: необходимость или трата времени?

Sleeping is essential in order for one to be a functional human being. There have been many different ideas about getting enough sleep, including that a person needs seven to eight ...
Лимфатическая система - Лимфатический узел

The Lymphatic System — Лимфатическая система

The lymphatic system is a complex network of vessels, ducts, and capillaries, which run throughout the body. There are many components’ in the lymphatic system, including; lymph fluid, ...
Фэрбенкс - Аврора

The Northern lights — Северное сияние

The Northern lights are the name of the light phenomenon that is often seen in the northern regions of the world. The scientific name for the phenomenon is «Aurora Borealis», often ...
Грызун - Черная крыса

The Norway Rat — Серая крыса

The Norway Rat is also known as the house rat, brown rat, wharf rat, sewer rat, and water rat. It was first introduced into the United States by European settlers and trading ships ...
Бора бора - Папеэте

The Ocean — Океан

The world’s ocean covers about 70% of the Earth’s surface. It is used to produce many things. It is more than a place to swimming, sailing and other recreation. The ocean serves ...
Дождь - Когда идет дождь, он льет

Acid Rain — Кислотный дождь

Acid rain is a great problem in our world. It causes fish and plants to die in our waters. It causes harm to our own race as well because we eat these fish, drink this water and, eat ...
Антарктида - Истощение озонового слоя

The Ozone Layer — Озоновый слой

In environmental science the greenhouse effect is a common term for the role water vapor; carbon dioxide and ozone play in keeping the earth’s surface warmer than it would normally ...
Silver Linings Уход за хосписом - Здоровье

Aging — Старение

With this changing world around us; everyone has different feelings and thoughts about getting older. Some people are afraid to get older while others anticipate it. The select few ...
Рисование - Цветной карандаш

The Pencil — Карандаш

A pencil is an everyday tool. Some of its uses are for writing school papers, for completing schoolwork, and for drawing. There are many other uses for the pencil. In 1564, N.J. Conte ...
Красная кровяная клетка - Кровяная клетка

Blood — Кровь

The term artificial blood is somewhat misleading. There is no one product that is being designed to replace the function of human blood. There are two main categories; which consist ...
оранжевый - Здоровье

Vitamins — Витамины

Vitamins are a group of organic substances required in our diets in small amounts for growth and nutrition. They are usually found in foodstuffs or taken as supplements. Yet vitamins ...
Дельфин - Млекопитающее

Dolphins — Дельфины

«No arguments can rationalize the forced confinement of these social and highly intelligent creatures», said Richard O’Barry1. He is very right. Dolphins are one of the most social ...
Паутина - Книга

Yellow Fever — Жёлтая лихорадка

Dengue is a disease that that came from the Spanish word at the Swahili phrase «ki denga pepo», which means «cramp-like seizure caused by an evil spirit». During an outbreak in ...
земной шар - Стоковая фотография

Ecology — Экология

In the original Greek «oikos» means, «house». So ecology is «the study of the house» the place where you live, or the environment which technically includes all those factors, ...
Йеллоустонский Национальный Парк - Вайоминг

Yellowstone — Йеллоустон

Yellowstone Park was also known as Wonderland. There are many hot springs, more than 10,000. The most famous is Old Faithful. There is a smell of sulfur all over the park. The reason ...
Загрязнение воздуха - Загрязнение

Economic Systems and Environmental Problems — Экономические системы и проблемы окружающей среды

An economy is a system of production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services that satisfy people’s wants or needs. In any economic system individuals, businesses, and ...