Humanities / Гуманитарные Науки

Галерея и музей Боргезе - Вилла Боргезе

Excursion to the museum — Экскурсия по музею

Every inquisitive person wants to know more about the past, so distant and mysterious. The Historical Museum is the place where you can go back to the wonderful world of the past. Recently, ...
Муниципальная корпорация Большого Мумбаи - Туристическая достопримечательность

Architecture and art — Архитектура и искусство

Architecture is the art of construction, forming the living space of people through a combination of buildings and structures. In addition to the mandatory — strength, convenience, ...
Иммунная система - Антитела

Immunity — Иммунитет

Immunity (from the Latin. Immunity — “liberation”) — congenital or acquired protection of a living organism from infections and pathogens. It is provided by the reaction of ...
Старая библиотека Уортингтона - Общественная библиотека

Library — Библиотека

I love going to the library because I love reading. Many may argue that now, in order to read the book, it is not necessary to go to the library, but I do not agree. Of course, now, ...
Мой питомец тираннозавр - Литература

The role of the book in a person’s life — Книга: ее роль в жизни человека

Even in the current modern life of computers, laptops, and tablets, it is difficult for us to imagine a world in which there is no book. It plays a very important role in the life of ...
цвет - Покрасить

What is design — Что такое дизайн

“Design is not how an item looks, but how it works” (jobs, Stephen Paul) Today by substantial holders of prestigious cottages, and the happy couple, who entered a one-room “Khrushchev,” ...
Национальный мемориал на горе Рашмор - Обои на стену

Branches Of U.S. Government — Ветви власти США

The founders of the United States Constitution knew it was important to form a government that did not allow one person to have too much control. While under control of the British ...
Освещение в кино и на телевидении - Освещение кино и видео, второе издание

Children and Television — Дети и телевидение

Television affects children’s lives. There are many facts to support this opinion. In the following paragraphs, I will prove that TV affects children and their behavior. Also, I will ...
JPEG - Переносимая сетевая графика

College — Колледж

Life is what we make of it. Each decision we make chooses the path we head down, twisting and turning with the good and the bad. College is one of the biggest decisions to make in life, ...
Ветряная электростанция - Ветровая энергия

Energy Crisis, Global Warning — Энергетический кризис, глобальное потепление

The most important source of our modern civilization is energy. Energy is in everything. It comes in different forms — heat (thermal), light (radiant), mechanical, electrical, chemical, ...
Древнегреческий - Ветхий Завет

The Concept of Covenant in the Old Testament — Концепция договора в Ветхом Завете

Covenant is the coming together and the making of an agreement, by parties previously apart from each other. It is the making of peace and the restoration of order. The idea of covenant ...