History / История

Джек в коробке - гамбургер

History of restaurants — История ресторанов

Restaurant — This is a word of French origin. Translated as “recovery”. The fact is that in 1765, the Parisian innkeeper Boulanger, in order to attract the attention of visitors ...
Кофе - Энергетик

Modern teenager — Современный подросток

What all comes to mind when asked what are some modern teenagers? Internet, computer games and mobile phone. Our mothers at parents’ meetings complain about us, that the only thing ...
Фейерверк - Образ

What is New year? — Новый Год что это?

Текст про Новый год на англий­ском язы­ке под назва­ни­ем “What is New year”. Этот топик для тре­ни­ров­ки ...
Подарок - Подарочная упаковка

Gifts for the holidays — Подарки на праздники

Everyone in the world children and even adults loves to receive gifts. Therefore, all the holidays of the year favorite and long-awaited. Take, for example, the New year. This is perhaps ...
Горе - Дорожный знак

The role of holidays in our lives — Праздники и их роль в нашей жизни

Each holiday has its own history, each of them has roots, traditions, and customs, as a result of which there was a habit to distinguish one day from another. What is a holiday for ...
Блин - купить

Pancake week — Масленица

Merry parting with winter, illuminated by the joyful expectation of close warmth, spring rebirth of nature, the Russian people celebrated the celebration of Maslenitsa. It is possible ...
Эмерсон Катлер Маджестик Театр - Эмерсон Колледж

The Grand theatre — Большой театр

The Grand theater! On its pediment — flying horses, controlled by Apollo. This is a symbol of the triumph of beauty, a symbol of the eternal movement of art and life. The Bolshoi ...
Плакат - Шрифт

May 1: spring and labor Day — 1 мая: день весны и труда

The first of May is a special day for each of us. People take to the streets to enjoy the holiday atmosphere. Now this celebration takes place somewhat differently than before. The ...
День Победы - Стоковая фотография

9 May: Victory Day — 9 Мая: День Победы

Victory day Is a Great holiday. A special date in the life of every Russian. On day 9, the Soviet Red Army liberated our land from Nazi Germany. People back the freedom and peace of mind. At ...
Ford Motor Company - Ford Модель T

The U.S. Economy in the 1920s — Экономика США 20‑х гг

Economic growth in the 1920s was impressive, many Americans would purchase new cars, houses, and appliances, many of these were new products that had recently been invented. The other ...
Витраж - От сада до собрания

The Renaissance — Возрождение (Ренессанс)

When the Renaissance began in the 14th century, art began to take on a different level of expression as time passed by. The 16th century marked a period where the Renaissance was believed ...
Колизей - Амфитеатр

The Roman Empire — Римская империя

The Roman Empire had a huge task in front of them while it was first starting out and while it was becoming a dominant dynasty in the early civilizations. The main problem that the ...
Управление - Франчайзинг

Alliances During World War 1 — Союзы Первой мировой войны

Although there were many underlying reasons for the European nations to break out in war, the early days of the fighting between Serbia and Austria caused the expansion of the war, ...
Мухоморы Барабаны - Вот это

American Holocaust — Американский Холокост

When one looks through the history of the last century, many great atrocities can come to mind. However, the one that is the most common is that of the Holocaust during World War II. ...
Сопот - Гдыня

Genocide in Darfur — Геноцид в Дарфуре

Why should the United States have to be the country that has to help save everyone? The genocide in Darfur, a region in Sudan, has been happening since 2003 and not much attention or ...
Сеул - Пусан

South Korea — Южная Корея

South Korea is located in East Asia. South Korea is East of China and West of Japan. South Korea is roughly the size of Indiana, United States of America. From the 7th century to the ...
Турпакет - Путешествовать

Spain — Испания

Spain formally called the Kingdom of Spain, has a unique history including a past of civil war, the power of an empire, famous rulers, and a constant battle over its primary religion. ...
легкая атлетика - Конкуренция

The Origin Of Olympic Games — Происхождение Олимпийских игр

The topic I’m to speak about is under the title “The Origin of the Olympic Games” and it deals with the great meaning of the Olympic Games in our life. It’s impossible to speak ...