Мишель Уильямс - Моя неделя с Мэрилин

7 сайтов с текстами на английском для начинающих

Клас­си­че­ским спо­со­бом изу­че­ния ино­стран­ных язы­ков счи­та­ет­ся англий­ский текст для ...
Учитель - Образование

Главные ошибки при выборе репетитора по английскому

Част­ный репе­ти­тор англий­ско­го язы­ка помо­жет под­го­то­вить­ся к экза­ме­нам, поста­вить пра­виль­ное ...
Скачать - Магазин приложений

The Turnip — Сказка Репка

Grandpa planted a turnip. The turnip grew bigger and bigger. Grandpa came to pick the turnip, pulled and pulled but couldn’t pull it up! Grandpa called Grandma. Grandma pulled ...
Ангелы - Акведук Лос-Анджелеса

California’s Water Wars — Война за воду в Калифорнии

Water… This five-letter word is one that Californians see almost daily in headlines. How to dam it, how to sell it, how to use it, how to share it, how to keep it pure.… these are ...
Робот - WowWee Чип Робот Собака

Meet Robodog — Встречайте Рободога

RoboScience, a UK company specializing in commercial robotic technology, recently launched its RS-01 RoboDog — the world’s most powerful, most advanced and largest commercial-legged ...
Велосипедное колесо - Дорожный велосипед

The story of the Bicycle — История велосипеда

As people try to use less energy and find alternatives to cars, more and more people are buying and riding, bicycles. But where did the bicycle come from? Who invented this “velocipede”? You ...
Вероломная восьмерка - Fairchild Semiconductor

The story of Silicon Valley — История Силиконовой долины

If old America was made in New York or Detroit, modern America is made in Silicon Valley. But what is “Silicon Valley”, where is it? And why is where it is? It is not made ...
Обои на стену - Компьютер

Holidays in Space — Праздники в космосе

It’s a long time since men last went to the Moon, but there are now people living all the time in the Russian space station Mir. Today, space is just for astronauts: but soon ordinary ...
Wall Street English - Английский язык

Самые лучшие способы изучения английского языка

Прак­ти­че­ски любой метод изу­че­ния англий­ско­го язы­ка тре­бу­ет от вас опре­де­лен­ных уси­лий. ...
Международная система тестирования английского языка - Экзамен

Примеры тестов IELTS + 7 лучших сайтов по подготовке к экзамену

Сда­ча экза­ме­на про­ве­ря­ет, насколь­ко хоро­шо чело­век вла­де­ет ино­стран­ным язы­ком. Если ...
Гугл игры - Google

Лучшие аудиокниги для изучения английского.

Англий­ские аудиок­ни­ги для начи­на­ю­щих не так рас­про­стра­не­ны сре­ди сту­ден­тов. Ведь для ...
Общение - Организация

Основы английского произношения

Фоне­ти­ка — это самый пер­вый раз­дел англий­ско­го язы­ка про­из­но­ше­ние, поэто­му его сле­ду­ет ...
Воздушное путешествие - Графический дизайн

Обзор школы английского Lingua Airlines:

Навер­ное, толь­ко лени­вый сего­дня не пред­ла­га­ет обу­че­ние англий­ско­му язы­ку по Skype. Этот ...
Люк Бессон - Натали Портман

Какие фильмы смотреть для изучения английского языка?

Про­смотр англий­ских филь­мов при­но­сит доволь­но непло­хие резуль­та­ты. Это очень хоро­шо тре­ни­ру­ет ...
Язык - Грамматика

Самые важные нюансы по самостоятельному обучению английскому языку

Учить англий­ский само­сто­я­тель­но доволь­но слож­но, осо­бен­но если вы нико­гда не зани­ма­лись ...
Ford Motor Company - Ford Модель T

The U.S. Economy in the 1920s — Экономика США 20‑х гг

Economic growth in the 1920s was impressive, many Americans would purchase new cars, houses, and appliances, many of these were new products that had recently been invented. The other ...
Колизей - Амфитеатр

The Roman Empire — Римская империя

The Roman Empire had a huge task in front of them while it was first starting out and while it was becoming a dominant dynasty in the early civilizations. The main problem that the ...
Витраж - От сада до собрания

The Renaissance — Возрождение (Ренессанс)

When the Renaissance began in the 14th century, art began to take on a different level of expression as time passed by. The 16th century marked a period where the Renaissance was believed ...
Древнегреческий - Ветхий Завет

The Concept of Covenant in the Old Testament — Концепция договора в Ветхом Завете

Covenant is the coming together and the making of an agreement, by parties previously apart from each other. It is the making of peace and the restoration of order. The idea of covenant ...
Ветряная электростанция - Ветровая энергия

Energy Crisis, Global Warning — Энергетический кризис, глобальное потепление

The most important source of our modern civilization is energy. Energy is in everything. It comes in different forms — heat (thermal), light (radiant), mechanical, electrical, chemical, ...
JPEG - Переносимая сетевая графика

College — Колледж

Life is what we make of it. Each decision we make chooses the path we head down, twisting and turning with the good and the bad. College is one of the biggest decisions to make in life, ...
Освещение в кино и на телевидении - Освещение кино и видео, второе издание

Children and Television — Дети и телевидение

Television affects children’s lives. There are many facts to support this opinion. In the following paragraphs, I will prove that TV affects children and their behavior. Also, I will ...
Национальный мемориал на горе Рашмор - Обои на стену

Branches Of U.S. Government — Ветви власти США

The founders of the United States Constitution knew it was important to form a government that did not allow one person to have too much control. While under control of the British ...

Nora Helmer — Нора Хельмер

Often in literature characters are presented as victims of society. There are many examples of this in Henrik Ibsen’s controversial play, “A Doll’s House”. Written during the ...
В какой церкви я? - Задайте его: вопрос, который коренным образом изменит ваш подход к принятию решений

Cruelty In Literature — Жестокость в литературе

There are many examples of cruelty in literary works. Literary works such as plays, novels, films, short stories, and poetry. One may believe that cruelty is a way of life. Cruelty ...
Умение - Прикладной анализ поведения

Children’s Literature — Детская литература

Nancy Mellon once said, «Because there is a natural storytelling urge and ability in all human beings, even just a little nurturing of this impulse can bring about astonishing and ...
Комиксы - Мультфильм

Beowulf — Беовульф

Reading a work of literature often makes a reader experience certain feelings. These feeling differ with the content of the work and are usually needed to perceive the author’s ideas ...
Восстание сапатистов - Сапатистская армия национального освобождения

Zapatista — Сапатистская армия

Life in Latin American Countries is not easy. However, some individuals live worse than others. Some wake up to gunshots, another wake not knowing what the day has in store for them, ...
YouTube - Социальный видеомаркетинг

YouTube — Ютуб

A video empire escapade, this is what YouTube.com is becoming. It is a collection of short clips of video. The range of videos is as big as your mind can expand, where any topic of ...
Военная история - Военная форма

Wars are always wrong — Войны — это неправильно

It has been approximately 100,000 years that modern human beings first evolved in the Earth. Along with the pace of time, human civilization has been diversified into different racial, ...
Супермаркет - Продуктовый магазин

Walmart — Американская компания

Whether or not Wal-Mart is good for America, it raises many controversial issues. Wal-Mart is a very powerful and rich company. It is, in fact, the largest private leading company in ...
Маркетинг - Социальные медиа

Promoting a World Wide Web Site — Продвижение сайта

As we enter the new millennium, more and more businesses are deciding to go along with building what is called sites on the world wide web, better known as a web site. It seems as though ...
Ticketmaster - StubHub

21st Century Living — Жизнь в XXI веке

The 21st Century is just around the corner and with it will come many changes in today’s modern society. Changes occur daily, yet taken into view yearly these changes become extremely ...
Молодой Франкенштейн - Игорь

Young Frankenstein Film — Молодой Франкенштейн

Color Choices: Filmed in 1974, this movie was filmed in black and white. Our book notes that filming in B/W after the invention of color was a decision based on keeping the audience ...
Поджигатель - Энди МакГи

Firestarter — Воспламеняющая взглядом

The work of Stephen King has been put to film for almost thirty years. The adaptations of King’s stories were at an all-time peak from the late-1970s to the mid-1980s. The movie “Firestarter” ...