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Acid Rain — Кислотный дождь
Acid rain is a great problem in our world. It causes fish and plants to die in our waters. It causes harm to our own race as well because we eat these fish, drink this water and, eat ...
Suicide — Самоубийство
Every year, thousands of youth die all around the world, not by cancer, car accidents, and other diseases, but by their own hand. These people make the choice that they want to die ...
Stress — Стресс
Stress is difficult for many individuals to cope with, especially those who are severely depressed or among other disorders. Unfortunately, stress disrupts our natural physical or psychological ...
Sports Development — Развитие спорта
Sport in the Industrial Revolution. Between the years of 1780 and 1830, the Industrial Revolution occurred. The industrial revolution was a period of time when the way of living and ...
Sports And Money — Спорт и деньги
Professional Athletes High Salaries and Their Effects on Society
In past generations and today’s society, sports in America have played an important role in the shaping of American ...
Romanian Orphanages — Румынские сироты
Imagine a hospital that, at one time ran smoothly helping the public, now with the primary objection of taking care of the thousands of abandoned infants and children. This is the reality ...
Road Safety — Безопасность на дорогах
Many people look at road safety as non-essential, but always there. What people don’t know is that everyday more than one hundred peopled are killed due to road safety, or lack thereof. ...
Perception — Восприятие
Perception is defined as how you look at others and the world around you. Being able to select, organize and intercept information starts the perceptual process. Perception affects ...
Animal Research — Опыты на животных
The use of animals in research is not a new concept, for it began as early as in the second century by a Roman physician. It took nearly another eighteen hundred years for such experimentation ...
Absenteism in the work place — Уклонение от обязанностей на работе
One of the easiest ways to succeed at a job is to simply show up. For some people, it is very hard to show up for work. There are many reasons, valid or not, for people not going to ...
Advantages and Disadvantages of Technology — Преимущества и недостатки технологий
Natural resources are the building blocks on which modern society depends. Knowledge of their physical nature and origins and the web they weave between all aspects of human society ...
Advancing Technology — Прогрессирующие технологии
As the age of technology advances around us we are getting more and more accustomed to seeing an increasing number of robots taking over household chores such as vacuuming, cutting ...
Accuracy of Data — Точность данных
Printed questionnaires would be best if used in a browser. This allows the user to view and use one screen from another, depending on the length of the questionnaire. This avoids prevents ...
A Safe Internet — Безопасный интернет
«I’ve heard of and experienced an Internet address where it’s a casino online. They say they’ll give you cash prizes if you win so many chips. I’ve won the chips… I ask for ...
A Hazardous Profession — Опасная профессия
What makes a car stand out in the crowd of millions of others? Is it the style? Is it the paint? Or is it the price? All of these can make a car appeal to people, but do they take the ...
Hester Prynn — Эстер Прин
Of all the classic literature I have read, the literary character I admire most would have to be Hester Prynne from Nathaniel Hawthorne’s The Scarlet Letter. Hester is an extraordinarily ...
Fredrick Douglass — Фредерик Дуглас
Frederick Douglass the most successful abolitionist who changed America’s views of slavery through his writings and actions. Frederick Douglass had many achievements throughout his ...
Elizabethan Theater — Елизаветинская драма
The Elizabethan Drama is the heyday of dramatic theater in England. It lasts from the beginning of the 90s of the XVI century to the 20s of the XVII century. In this rather long period, ...
Don Quixote — Дон Кихот
English literature depicts the characteristics and events which are apparent in society. This holds true especially in medieval and the early modern era. While Song of Roland and Don ...
Dante — Данте
Tristan and Iseult, Lancelot and Guinevere, Aeneas and Dido, Troilus and Criseyde, Dante and Beatrice, Petrarch and Laura… Intense love of man and woman is a central ...
Y Tu Mamá También — И твою маму тоже
Y Tu Mama Tambien by Alfonso Cuaron is the movie evaluated in the next paragraphs. The movie is starred by Gael Garcia Bernal, Diego Luna, and the Spanish Maribel Verdu. The movie starts ...
Wings of Desire — Небо над Берлином
I like foreign films allot, but my favorite film genres are horror and hopeless romance, neither which I have ever associated with German culture. While browsing the titles, I came ...
Wall Street — Уолл-стрит
In the big city of New York there always exist those who push and stretch the law. One such man played by Michael Douglas makes money buying and selling others dreams. He is a stock ...
Wag the Dog — Плутовство
The media is the source of contact we Americans keep with the other parts of the world. Without it how would we know what was going on in the globe? Fox News, CNN, NBC, and many others ...
Troy — Троя
For centuries, the story of the Trojan War has been told- Many battles were fought over a woman. In the end, a gigantic wooden horse was rolled into Troy, not as a peace offering, but ...
Training Day — Тренировочный день
The movie talks about the inner streets conflicts each day in the U.S, a war between residents, drug dealers and the people who try to protect from the other. In the movie, this war, ...
North by Northwest — На север через северо-запад
A theme is a concept in the movie that is continued throughout in order to establish a connecting motif that ties the movie together. One prevalent theme in the movie «North by Northwest» ...
Music of the 50s — Музыка 50‑х
The music of the early fifties was influenced by the post-war; its sounds were slow and mostly ballads. This sound came to be known as bubblegum music. It was only until mid-fifties ...
Egoism — Эгоизм
It is believed that humans act for different reasons; but for whom, or what, do or should they act? Is the reason humans act for themselves, for God, for the reaction of other people, ...
TV Violence — Насилие на телевидении
Violence is one of the most primary and controversial issues in today’s society. And true that violence is on the rise. A major concern for many parents is the violence within television ...
Repression — Вытеснение
Repression was first introduced by Freud over a century ago. Repression is basically a defense mechanism from when a very traumatic event is experienced (e.g. sexual abuse, abduction ...
Yum! — Американская корпорация
Yum! Brands are the owner of five different fast food chains across the world. These include Pizza Hut, Taco Bell, Kentucky Fried Chicken, Long John Silver’s and A & W Restaurants. ...
The Origin Of Olympic Games — Происхождение Олимпийских игр
The topic I’m to speak about is under the title “The Origin of the Olympic Games” and it deals with the great meaning of the Olympic Games in our life. It’s impossible to speak ...
Spain — Испания
Spain formally called the Kingdom of Spain, has a unique history including a past of civil war, the power of an empire, famous rulers, and a constant battle over its primary religion. ...
South Korea — Южная Корея
South Korea is located in East Asia. South Korea is East of China and West of Japan. South Korea is roughly the size of Indiana, United States of America.
From the 7th century to the ...