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Religion / Религия

Angels — Ангелы
Dickason’s book, «Angels: Elect and Evil» is a great resource of spiritual truth for the Christian Biblical scholar. As believers, we need to be familiar with what the Bible teaches ...

Are Human beings Good or Bad — Люди: хорошие или плохие
Are human beings born to be good? Or are we naturally born to be evil? Everyone was born good, but as we are growing up we get influenced by society or the environment around us. Things ...

Intelligent Design — Разумный замысел
In this paper, we will be discussing Intelligent Design theory, whether this theory is creationism in disguise? We will look both at what is the meaning of Intelligent Design and Darwinism ...

Introducing Christian Ethics — Введение в христианскую этику
The book that I have chosen to do my book review on is Introducing Christian Ethics, written by Henlee H. Barnette. This book deals with many Christian ethical decisions based on biblical ...

The Book of Genesis — Книга Бытие
At first glance, the creation story in the book of Genesis appears to be a simple account of our world’s construction. However, it is necessary to explore the importance of both accounts ...

The Church — Церковь
Baptism is the first ordinance of the gospel. It can be explained as a ceremony, in other words, according to Jesus Christ, people were born of the water and that’s why this rite ...

Was George Washington a Christian? — Был ли Джордж Вашингтон христианином?
The more I investigate and read the account of witnesses claiming George Washington was a Christian, the more my own view is questioned. By a careful examination of Washington’s words, ...

We Are All Wrong — Все мы ошибаемся
“Never judge a book by its cover!” is an oxymoron that many of us have heard before when dealing with criticism. It is an oxymoron that should be instilled in all human beings as ...

What a Christian Believes about Anthropology — Христианская антропология
«Anthropology, in general, refers to any study of the status, habits, customs, relationships, and culture of humankind. In a more specific and theological sense, anthropology sets ...

Yoga and Christianity — Йога и христианство
Today, many people are taking up yoga techniques for physical exercise, and most don’t know the history of yoga. They believe there is nothing wrong with implementing this form of ...

Zen Buddhism — Дзен Буддизм
The Religion of Zen Buddhism Zen Buddhism is unique compared to other schools of Buddhism due to the fact that it teaches that enlightenment can be obtained here and now in this lifetime. ...

Zephaniah — Книга Софонии
The book of Zephaniah contains messages of divine judgment against Judah and Jerusalem, as well as against other nations. It addresses a rare concentration of references to central ...

A Christian view of beauty — Красота с точки христианства
Beauty, a term once revered in ancient days as the pinnacle of physical attributes embodied in worldly entities, has seemingly in this day lost much of its meaning. Phrases like “beauty ...

Adam & Eve — Адам и Ева
It is impossible to taste the sweet without having first tasted sour. This is one of the many lessons found within Genesis 2.0 and more specifically the story of Adam and Eve. It is ...

Androcentrism — Андроцентризм
When I started to think about what to write for this paper I wanted to learn more about androcentrism. Well, I guess I know what it means, but I wanted to see what it means to other ...