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Russia / Россия

Sochi city — Город Сочи
Every summer I go with my parents to rest on the sea. It’s so nice to soak up the warm sunshine, breathe the sea air. For this season we have planned a trip to the city of Sochi. ...

Culture Of Yaroslavl — Культура Ярославля
The city of Yaroslavl is considered to be one of the oldest in our country. Over a thousand years of its existence, it has managed to survive the emergence and disintegration of many ...

Orenburg — Оренбург
Orenburg has an unusual history, it was only laid three times in different places. In 1735, the first fortress was founded at the confluence of the River Or into the Yaik River. In ...

Russian tea party — Русская чайная церемония
Tea, which came to us from the East, became beloved by the Russian people. Tea traditions in Russia are radically different from Japanese or Chinese customs, but they are beautiful ...

Samara city — Город Самара
Samara, built as a fortress by decree of Tsar Fyodor Ioannovich in 1586, subsequently lost its defensive positions but became the trade capital.
It was here that merchants gathered ...

History of Krasnodar — История Краснодара
Before you visit the city of Krasnodar, it is better to sleep in the Kuban in advance, because this city will not let you sleep. It is warm and fragrant by the south, a wonderful, wondrous ...

Sights of Krasnoyarsk — Достопримечательности Красноярска
Krasnoyarsk, which is the most eastern of Russian millionaires, is capable of capturing the imagination of even a seasoned traveler. And itӳ not even the case that, being founded in ...

Crimea is a little treasure — Крым: маленькое сокровище
Crimea is a little treasure. This is the place where nationalities, traditions, and legends unite. Where wine is filled with glasses and the surf roars on a warm summer evening … ...

My city Izhevsk — Мой город Ижевск
Izhevsk is the largest city and capital of Udmurtia. It was founded in 1760 when a small ironworks was laid here for Count P. I. Shuvalov. The peculiarity is its pond, necessary for ...

Bryansk the city of military glory — Брянск: город боевой славы
The city of Bryansk was founded in 985, and on March 25, 2010, received the title of “City of military glory”. And quite worthy! So as in the year’s great Patriotic war, he defended ...

The history of the name of the city Yekaterinburg — История города по имени Екатеринбург
I live in Yekaterinburg. It’s an amazing city. Here, as well as in the Sverdlovsk region many interesting places.
We have the highest skyscrapers in the North: Iset tower and Vysotsky ...

The great and mighty Russian language — Великий и могучий русский язык
The Russian language is surprisingly rich and beautiful, it is the main forming core of Russian culture. Without a language, Russian culture cannot exist; therefore, every cultural ...

Sights of Russia — Достопримечательности России
All sights of Russia can be divided into historical and natural. For example, the most beautiful waterfall in the Far East — Ilya Muromets. Its height is 141 meters, it is located ...

Tourism in Russia — Туризм в России
Modern science considers tourism as a complex socio-economic system. Tourism is a branch of the non-production sector, whose enterprises and organizations satisfy the needs of tourists ...

Saint Petersburg — Санкт Петербург
Northern Palmyra, Venice of the North, the cultural capital of Russia, a window to Europe, the city over the free-Neva — which only does not exist epithets for St. Petersburg. The ...

Short story about Russia — Рассказ о России
Russia is a great country. Let’s learn the history of its emergence, development, and formation.
Russia covers an area of about 17 million kilometers. The country is located in the ...

My favorite city is Moscow — Мой любимый город: Москва
The city of Moscow was founded in 1147. It is located in the center of the European part and is the capital of Russia. One of the most densely populated cities. Its beauty attracts ...