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Shopping for women and men — Шоппинг для женщин и мужчин
Текст про шоппинг на английском языке под названием “Shopping for women and men”. Этот топик для тренировки ...

My University — Мой университет
Learning is a very interesting process that takes most of your time and attention. In addition, training forms a further way of life, professional activity and affects the quality of ...

Hunting is a hobby of men — Хобби для мужчин охота
Текст про Хобби на английском языке под названием “Hunting is a hobby of men”. Этот топик для тренировки ...

My school — Моя школа
Текст про Школу на английском языке под названием “My school”. Этот топик для тренировки в чтение ...

School uniform — Школьная форма
Well, what kind of orders are these? Why did you enter the form? What we like about the incubator! How often we said this at school, but we never thought that uniform brings us together, ...

Fashion & Style — Мода и стиль
Over time, attitudes toward clothing change markedly.
First, in past times, traditions played a large part in clothes. It is known that due to customs, national costumes of various ...

My education is my capital — Образование это мой капитал
Each of us, getting an education in high school, is already thinking about his future profession, the choice of which depends on our future. Given the current civilizational conditions, ...

Decorations in clothes — Одежда и украшения
Текст про одежду на английском языке под названием “Decorations in clothes”. Этот топик для тренировки ...

Foreign languages in our life — Иностранные языки в нашей жизни
Nowadays people speak almost three thousand languages. From a huge number — indeed, almost three thousand! — the languages ?? of the Earth are only a few great ones. These are the ...

Unlike university from institute — Отличие университета от института
When an applicant is faced with the question of choosing an educational institution that can meet the educational needs of a future student, there is often a doubt as to which university ...

It’s a wonderful feeling love — Любовь это прекрасное чувство.
Love is complete harmony between people in their thoughts. Or in another way: it is the unity of souls.
Love is a special kind of attractive forces related to binding energies.
The ...

Volunteering as the future of a global society — Волонтерство как будущее глобального общества
The concept of “volunteer” comes from the French word “voluntary”, which takes its roots from the Latin language, namely from the Latin word “voluntarius”, which literally ...

Yeah hello jeans! — Да, привет джинсы!
Jeans are an integral part of the wardrobe of every modern person. These are clothes that you can wear both at work and at a party, and, most importantly, jeans are always topical, ...

What is friendship — Дружба что это?
Текст про дружбу на английском языке под названием “What is friendship”. Этот топик для тренировки ...

My Family — Моя семья
Текст про Семью на английском языке под названием “My Family”. Этот топик для тренировки в чтение ...

Absenteism in the work place — Уклонение от обязанностей на работе
One of the easiest ways to succeed at a job is to simply show up. For some people, it is very hard to show up for work. There are many reasons, valid or not, for people not going to ...

Animal Research — Опыты на животных
The use of animals in research is not a new concept, for it began as early as in the second century by a Roman physician. It took nearly another eighteen hundred years for such experimentation ...

Perception — Восприятие
Perception is defined as how you look at others and the world around you. Being able to select, organize and intercept information starts the perceptual process. Perception affects ...

Road Safety — Безопасность на дорогах
Many people look at road safety as non-essential, but always there. What people don’t know is that everyday more than one hundred peopled are killed due to road safety, or lack thereof. ...

Romanian Orphanages — Румынские сироты
Imagine a hospital that, at one time ran smoothly helping the public, now with the primary objection of taking care of the thousands of abandoned infants and children. This is the reality ...

Sports And Money — Спорт и деньги
Professional Athletes High Salaries and Their Effects on Society
In past generations and today’s society, sports in America have played an important role in the shaping of American ...

Sports Development — Развитие спорта
Sport in the Industrial Revolution. Between the years of 1780 and 1830, the Industrial Revolution occurred. The industrial revolution was a period of time when the way of living and ...

Stress — Стресс
Stress is difficult for many individuals to cope with, especially those who are severely depressed or among other disorders. Unfortunately, stress disrupts our natural physical or psychological ...

Suicide — Самоубийство
Every year, thousands of youth die all around the world, not by cancer, car accidents, and other diseases, but by their own hand. These people make the choice that they want to die ...