Комфорт Тайлер Парк - Городской парк

Volunteering as the future of a global society — Волонтерство как будущее глобального общества

The concept of “volunteer” comes from the French word “voluntary”, which takes its roots from the Latin language, namely from the Latin word “voluntarius”, which literally ...
Волосы - Общество

My Family — Моя семья

Текст про Семью на англий­ском язы­ке под назва­ни­ем “My Family”. Этот топик для тре­ни­ров­ки в чте­ние ...
Большой Бен - Путешествовать

Наглядный урок: как выжить заграницей

Вир­ту­аль­ная реаль­ность, в кото­рую мы сего­дня перенесемся. До отправ­ле­ния оста­лись счи­тан­ные ...
Природа - Обои на стену

Chemistry in nature — Химия в природе

Is chemistry needed in nature? Of course, because nature, like our entire world, consists of it. In our case, oxygen will serve as the most vivid and clear example. This substance is ...
Врач - Медицинский диагноз

Medicine as a field of human activity — Медицина как область человеческой деятельности

Medicine is a separate and very important field of human activity, which is aimed at studying various processes in the human body, treating and preventing various diseases. Medicine ...
Графический дизайн - Плакат

Сила слова или как разнообразить свою речь.

Если в этой кар­тин­ке ты нашел себя, тогда ты в нуж­ном месте. У меня есть для тебя спе­ци­аль­но ...
Вспышка заболевания - Лихорадка денге

As I once was sick — Как я однажды заболел

Very quickly ended the long-awaited weekend. I had, as usual, to gather in the evening all school supplies by Monday. With a good mood and cheerful spirit before the new school week, ...
Йельская школа медицины - Медицинская школа

The first practice at the medical University — Первая практика в медицинском университете

So, soon first-year students will be time to go to practice (most likely) first in their lives. It usually takes place in the winter, immediately after the first session of the first ...
Обои на стену - Растения

Why do we need biology? — Почему нам нужна биология?

Biology is the science of all living things, be it a human or a tiny microbe. Whether it’s a tree or a bird, a cell or an entire organism. Biology studies how life works, how it feeds, ...
Танго музыка - Аргентинское танго

The origin of music — Происхождение музыки

In ancient Greece, a legend about Pan and the beautiful nymph Siring appeared. It explains the emergence of multi-whistle flute, occurring in many nations of the world. The god Pan, ...
Виктор Цой - Кино

Viktor Tsoi: Russian is famous — Виктор Цой: российская знаменитость

Born on June 21, 1962, in Leningrad. In 1969 I went to school, but until I finished eight classes, I changed three schools. From 1974 to 1977, in the biography of Tom, he studied at ...
Добыча - Хитрые схемы

Tchaikovsky ballets — Балеты Чайковского

An appeal of PI Tchaikovsky to the ballet genre is not accidental. His talent is a peculiar feeling of the plasticity of music. Often in his operas, symphonies, romances dance rhythms ...
Позвоночное животное - Млекопитающее

Isaac Newton — Исаак Ньютон

Isaac Newton (1643–1727) English mathematician, physicist, alchemist, and historian. He was born into a farmer’s family. At the age of 12, he entered the Grantham school, in 1661-in ...
Руководство лаборатории исследования места преступления - Криминалистика

What should be a modern scientist? — Какой должен быть современный ученый?

Once, when the Sun had set and it was possible to admire the stars, it suddenly dawned on me, and I decided to reflect on the topic: “What should be a modern scientist.” In my opinion, ...
Александр Пушкин - Читатель стихов для русских учащихся

My Alexander Pushkin — Мой Александр Пушкин

Alexander Pushkin and his difficult fate — that’s what should not be less than his great works, excite the mind of this Russian man. Who began to write poetry at only 12 years old, ...
Вильям Шекспир - Полное собрание сочинений Шекспира

William Shakespeare — Вильям Шекспир

Who in our time has not heard the name Shakespeare? This great writer has left many books for the next generation, despite the fact that we are separated by centuries, the meaning and ...
Юрий Гагарин - Восток 1

Yuri Gagarin: the famous man — Юрий Гагарин: знаменитый человек

Every child from school knows the biography of the world-famous Soviet pilot Yuri Gagarin. It was this man who first conquered the expanses of space. This great man became a real role ...
Красный квадрат - Московский Кремль

Sights of Russia — Достопримечательности России

All sights of Russia can be divided into historical and natural. For example, the most beautiful waterfall in the Far East — Ilya Muromets. Its height is 141 meters, it is located ...
Эмерсон Катлер Маджестик Театр - Эмерсон Колледж

The Grand theatre — Большой театр

The Grand theater! On its pediment — flying horses, controlled by Apollo. This is a symbol of the triumph of beauty, a symbol of the eternal movement of art and life. The Bolshoi ...
Плакат - Шрифт

May 1: spring and labor Day — 1 мая: день весны и труда

The first of May is a special day for each of us. People take to the streets to enjoy the holiday atmosphere. Now this celebration takes place somewhat differently than before. The ...
День Победы - Стоковая фотография

9 May: Victory Day — 9 Мая: День Победы

Victory day Is a Great holiday. A special date in the life of every Russian. On day 9, the Soviet Red Army liberated our land from Nazi Germany. People back the freedom and peace of mind. At ...
Волк - лось

Story about wild animals — История о диких животных

The tiger is a big wild animal. He has a yellow color with black stripes. The tiger is strong and agile; it can growl loudly, swim well, jump and run fast. This beast lives in Asia ...
Ягуар - Африканский леопард

Leopard: Africa’s animal — Леопард: животное Африки

Leopard — a typical representative of large predatory cats. It is related to lions, tigers, and jaguars. In total, up to 10 subspecies of this predator are distinguished. Extraordinarily ...
Собака - Собачий укус

Man’s dog — Питомец для мужчины

The domestication of the dog took place in the Upper Paleolithic (40–12 thousand years BC). More precisely, the data set is not yet possible. The Upper Paleolithic was an extremely ...
Дромадер - Двугорбый верблюд

Curious information about camels — Любопытная информация о верблюдах

Almost every person at the word “camel” imagines a vast desert and a leisurely caravan. For millennia, through the uninhabited expanses walked Laden animals, connecting the different ...
Щенок - Лабрадор ретривер

Dogs as people — Собаки как люди

I have noticed that dogs are like people each dog has their own character, their habits. Near the village market, there is a very good dog. She has a completely human name — Maria. ...
Иммунная система - Антитела

Immunity — Иммунитет

Immunity (from the Latin. Immunity — “liberation”) — congenital or acquired protection of a living organism from infections and pathogens. It is provided by the reaction of ...
Муниципальная корпорация Большого Мумбаи - Туристическая достопримечательность

Architecture and art — Архитектура и искусство

Architecture is the art of construction, forming the living space of people through a combination of buildings and structures. In addition to the mandatory — strength, convenience, ...
Галерея и музей Боргезе - Вилла Боргезе

Excursion to the museum — Экскурсия по музею

Every inquisitive person wants to know more about the past, so distant and mysterious. The Historical Museum is the place where you can go back to the wonderful world of the past. Recently, ...
Россия - Турецкая Ривьера

Tourism in Russia — Туризм в России

Modern science considers tourism as a complex socio-economic system. Tourism is a branch of the non-production sector, whose enterprises and organizations satisfy the needs of tourists ...
Мой питомец тираннозавр - Литература

The role of the book in a person’s life — Книга: ее роль в жизни человека

Even in the current modern life of computers, laptops, and tablets, it is difficult for us to imagine a world in which there is no book. It plays a very important role in the life of ...
Старая библиотека Уортингтона - Общественная библиотека

Library — Библиотека

I love going to the library because I love reading. Many may argue that now, in order to read the book, it is not necessary to go to the library, but I do not agree. Of course, now, ...
Журналистика - СМИ

Journalism as a profession — Журналистика как профессия

Many researchers argue that journalism appeared in the days when the technological process was out of the question. But in fact, this is not so. And this kind of activity has a beautiful ...
цвет - Покрасить

What is design — Что такое дизайн

“Design is not how an item looks, but how it works” (jobs, Stephen Paul) Today by substantial holders of prestigious cottages, and the happy couple, who entered a one-room “Khrushchev,” ...
Инновации - Инновационный менеджмент

The importance of management in modern society — Важность менеджмента в современном обществе

Management, in General, can be defined as a system of economic management of production. Which includes a set of principles, methods, forms, and methods of management. Management includes ...