Образовательная тропа - Пеший туризм

Walk in the park — Прогулка в парке

Our city park is small but very beautiful. At the entrance are large flower beds of different shapes, from early spring to late autumn, they are covered with a bright floral carpet. ...
Лето - Отпуск

Summer is a small life — Лето это маленькая жизнь

Текст про Лето на англий­ском язы­ке под назва­ни­ем “Summer is a small life”. Этот топик для тре­ни­ров­ки ...
лес - Устойчивое лесопользование

Forest is the source of life — Лес: источник нашей жизни

Beautiful forests adorn the territory of our region. The forest is a source of life, an invaluable treasure of nature, a defender of man from an impending ecological crisis. Use the ...
Изменение климата - Климат

Climate — Климат

Everyone knows the word “climate”, but what is it and what impact does it have on our lives? Each area on Earth has its own characteristics. They are expressed in the differences ...
Стоковая фотография - Фотография

Summer holidays — Летние каникулы

Текст про лет­ние кани­ку­лы на англий­ском язы­ке под назва­ни­ем “Summer holidays”. Этот топик для тре­ни­ров­ки ...
Замораживание - Дерево

The first snow — О зиме и первом снеге

Suddenly the first snow fell. That day the weather from the morning was gloomy and quiet. After lunch, snow-white snowflakes began to break from the sky. Snowflakes became more and ...
Технологии здоровья - Иллюстрация

What is health? — Здоровье: что это такое?

What is health? Health — a natural, balanced with the environment, the state of the body, which is characterized by the absence of any disease. Human health is determined by a number ...
Хеш - Тако

My favorite food — Моя любимая еда

Текст о еде на англий­ском язы­ке под назва­ни­ем “My favorite food”. Этот топик для тре­ни­ров­ки в чте­ние ...
Хуа Хин - Курорт

My dream hotel — Гостиница моей мечты

Tired traveler sooner or later wants to lie down and relax to regain their strength. To do this, he will need a hotel that will perfectly match his mood. So my hotel will be a hotel ...
Cruysbergen - Фотография

My hometown is my favorite — Мой город родной и самый любимый

Рас­сказ о моем люби­мом горо­де на англий­ском язы­ке под назва­ни­ем “My hometown is my favorite”. Этот текст ...
Фотография - Сезон

Seasons — Времена года

Every person has their favorite season. As you know, each season has its own mood, like a person. That is why different people with different moods like different seasons. Each person ...
апрель - Апрельский душ

Spring in April — Весна в Апреле

Текст про вес­ну на англий­ском язы­ке под назва­ни­ем “Spring in April”. Этот топик для тре­ни­ров­ки в ...
Неопределенности актуальной коммуникации - Общение

Умение слышать или как понять собеседника

Каж­дый стал­ки­вал­ся с непо­ни­ма­ни­ем мыс­ли и содер­жа­ния ска­зан­но­го. При­чи­ной это­го ...
Расторжение брака - Последствия развода

Adolescent problems — Проблемы подростков

The word “teenager” tells us that the person has already grown up. It has grown enough to make some important decisions, to show independence in some way and, of course, to demand ...
Кофе - Энергетик

Modern teenager — Современный подросток

What all comes to mind when asked what are some modern teenagers? Internet, computer games and mobile phone. Our mothers at parents’ meetings complain about us, that the only thing ...
Ворсовый коврик - Пэчворк

My best friend — Моя лучший друг

Рас­сказ про дру­га на англий­ском язы­ке под назва­ни­ем “My best friend”. Этот текст для тре­ни­ров­ки ...
Карьера - Ученик

The most necessary profession — Самая необходимая профессия

Now the profession of “Manager” in our labor market is the most popular. Manager‑a hired professional Manager of the enterprise; a specialist in the field of production management. Professionally ...
Горе - Дорожный знак

The role of holidays in our lives — Праздники и их роль в нашей жизни

Each holiday has its own history, each of them has roots, traditions, and customs, as a result of which there was a habit to distinguish one day from another. What is a holiday for ...
Подарок - Подарочная упаковка

Gifts for the holidays — Подарки на праздники

Everyone in the world children and even adults loves to receive gifts. Therefore, all the holidays of the year favorite and long-awaited. Take, for example, the New year. This is perhaps ...
Фейерверк - Образ

What is New year? — Новый Год что это?

Текст про Новый год на англий­ском язы­ке под назва­ни­ем “What is New year”. Этот топик для тре­ни­ров­ки ...
Блин - купить

Pancake week — Масленица

Merry parting with winter, illuminated by the joyful expectation of close warmth, spring rebirth of nature, the Russian people celebrated the celebration of Maslenitsa. It is possible ...
Обувь - Размер обуви

Shopping for women and men — Шоппинг для женщин и мужчин

Текст про шоп­пинг на англий­ском язы­ке под назва­ни­ем “Shopping for women and men”. Этот топик для тре­ни­ров­ки ...
Школа - Школьная форма

School uniform — Школьная форма

Well, what kind of orders are these? Why did you enter the form? What we like about the incubator! How often we said this at school, but we never thought that uniform brings us together, ...
здание школы - Школа

My school — Моя школа

Текст про Шко­лу на англий­ском язы­ке под назва­ни­ем “My school”. Этот топик для тре­ни­ров­ки в чте­ние ...
Стоковая фотография - Getty Images

Hunting is a hobby of men — Хобби для мужчин охота

Текст про Хоб­би на англий­ском язы­ке под назва­ни­ем “Hunting is a hobby of men”. Этот топик для тре­ни­ров­ки ...
Профессия - Недвижимость

My University — Мой университет

Learning is a very interesting process that takes most of your time and attention. In addition, training forms a further way of life, professional activity and affects the quality of ...
Профессия - Недвижимость

Police profession — Профессия полицейский

Until recently, police could only be seen in foreign films or on the streets of other countries. But since 2011, the police have appeared here as well, they have replaced the militiamen. It ...
Сумочка - Аня хиндмарч

Decorations in clothes — Одежда и украшения

Текст про одеж­ду на англий­ском язы­ке под назва­ни­ем “Decorations in clothes”. Этот топик для тре­ни­ров­ки ...
Дизайн продукта - Образование

My education is my capital — Образование это мой капитал

Each of us, getting an education in high school, is already thinking about his future profession, the choice of which depends on our future. Given the current civilizational conditions, ...
Субботы - Высшее

Fashion & Style — Мода и стиль

Over time, attitudes toward clothing change markedly. First, in past times, traditions played a large part in clothes. It is known that due to customs, national costumes of various ...
Обои на стену - Образ

It’s a wonderful feeling love — Любовь это прекрасное чувство.

Love is complete harmony between people in their thoughts. Or in another way: it is the unity of souls. Love is a special kind of attractive forces related to binding energies. The ...
Университет Пантеон-Сорбонна - Университет Париж-Сорбонна

Unlike university from institute — Отличие университета от института

When an applicant is faced with the question of choosing an educational institution that can meet the educational needs of a future student, there is often a doubt as to which university ...
Язык - Иностранный язык

Foreign languages in our life — Иностранные языки в нашей жизни

Nowadays people speak almost three thousand languages. From a huge number — indeed, almost three thousand! — the languages ?? of the Earth are only a few great ones. These are the ...
Стоковая фотография - Фотография

What is friendship — Дружба что это?

Текст про друж­бу на англий­ском язы­ке под назва­ни­ем “What is friendship”. Этот топик для тре­ни­ров­ки ...
Джинсы - Мода

Yeah hello jeans! — Да, привет джинсы!

Jeans are an integral part of the wardrobe of every modern person. These are clothes that you can wear both at work and at a party, and, most importantly, jeans are always topical, ...