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Famous Persons / Знаменитые люди

Viktor Tsoi: Russian is famous — Виктор Цой: российская знаменитость
Born on June 21, 1962, in Leningrad.
In 1969 I went to school, but until I finished eight classes, I changed three schools. From 1974 to 1977, in the biography of Tom, he studied at ...

Tchaikovsky ballets — Балеты Чайковского
An appeal of PI Tchaikovsky to the ballet genre is not accidental. His talent is a peculiar feeling of the plasticity of music. Often in his operas, symphonies, romances dance rhythms ...

Isaac Newton — Исаак Ньютон
Isaac Newton (1643–1727)
English mathematician, physicist, alchemist, and historian. He was born into a farmer’s family.
At the age of 12, he entered the Grantham school, in 1661-in ...

My Alexander Pushkin — Мой Александр Пушкин
Alexander Pushkin and his difficult fate — that’s what should not be less than his great works, excite the mind of this Russian man. Who began to write poetry at only 12 years old, ...

William Shakespeare — Вильям Шекспир
Who in our time has not heard the name Shakespeare? This great writer has left many books for the next generation, despite the fact that we are separated by centuries, the meaning and ...

Yuri Gagarin: the famous man — Юрий Гагарин: знаменитый человек
Every child from school knows the biography of the world-famous Soviet pilot Yuri Gagarin. It was this man who first conquered the expanses of space. This great man became a real role ...

Alexander Hamilton — Александр Гамильтон
Rarely does a single person stand out as much when solving a problem as Alexander Hamilton did after being appointed Secretary of Treasury on the late 1700s. Our country had a great ...

Alfred Krupp — Альфред Крупп
Shade produced by trees cools the air and ground around them and also cools down the earth’s temperature. Some trees have even become the largest and longest living organisms in the ...

Thomas Aquinas — Фома Аквинский
Thomas Aquinas (1225–1274) lived during the critical period of Western culture. He was born into the arrival of the Aristotelian corpus, which was the reopening of the question between ...