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Английские тексты

Карнарвонское ущелье - Пустыня

Nature Of Australia — Природа Австралии

Australia is an amazing continent. According to scientists, this is the oldest continent on our planet, lying on the Precambrian platform, which was formed more than 3 billion years ago. Due ...
Соединенные Штаты - Североамериканское соглашение о свободной торговле

Multinational culture of the America — Америка и ее многонациональная культура

Текст про Аме­ри­ку на англий­ском язы­ке под назва­ни­ем “Multinational culture of the America”. Эт ” топик для тре­ни­ров­ки ...
Тауэрский мост - Башня Лондона

London is capital of the UK — Лондон: столица Великобритании

Текст про Лон­дон на англий­ском язы­ке под назва­ни­ем “London is capital of the UK”. Этот топик для тре­ни­ров­ки ...
Стадион - Логотип

Soccer is life — Футбол это жизнь

Текст про фут­бол на англий­ском язы­ке под назва­ни­ем “Soccer is life”. Этот топик для тре­ни­ров ” в ...
Колледж хоккей с шайбой - Нью-Йорк Айлендерс

Hockey as a sport — Хоккей как спорт

Hockey is one of the most popular winter sports. This game is liked by both adults and children — on an ice patch in the courtyard you can meet a company that animates the puck. Traditionally, ...
Исайя Томас - Бостон Селтикс

Мodern basketball — Современный баскетбол

Modern basketball is played by constantly changing teams of five players. The game is played on an area of 28x15 m. At the far ends of the area at a height of 290 cm, there are hanging ...
пляжный воллейбол - Пляжный волейбол на летних Олимпийских играх 2016 - женский турнир

Beach volleyball — Пляжный волейбол

Beach volleyball, despite the status of a professional sport, is highly popular among outdoor enthusiasts. The first mention of beach volleyball falls on the 1910s — at this time ...
Виталий Кличко - Владимир Кличко

Klitschko brothers are my favorite athletes — Братья Кличко мои любимые спортсмены

I really like to engage in such a sport like boxing. Boxing is a fight between two athletes. It, like any other sport, has its own rules of combat sports. This is a fist fight, for ...
Семья - Здоровье

Sport and a healthy lifestyle — Спорт и здоровый образ жизни

Рас­сказ о спор­те на англий­ском язы­ке и его вли­я­нии на здо­ро­вье под назва­ни­ем “Sport and a healthy ...
Khram Il'i Proroka - Tserkov' Ioanna Predtechi

Culture Of Yaroslavl — Культура Ярославля

The city of Yaroslavl is considered to be one of the oldest in our country. Over a thousand years of its existence, it has managed to survive the emergence and disintegration of many ...
Пляж - Пляжи Сочи

Sochi city — Город Сочи

Every summer I go with my parents to rest on the sea. It’s so nice to soak up the warm sunshine, breathe the sea air. For this season we have planned a trip to the city of Sochi. ...
Беседка - Гамак

Orenburg — Оренбург

Orenburg has an unusual history, it was only laid three times in different places. In 1735, the first fortress was founded at the confluence of the River Or into the Yaik River. In ...
Стоковая фотография - Трава

Russian tea party — Русская чайная церемония

Tea, which came to us from the East, became beloved by the Russian people. Tea traditions in Russia are radically different from Japanese or Chinese customs, but they are beautiful ...
Самара - Volga River

Samara city — Город Самара

Samara, built as a fortress by decree of Tsar Fyodor Ioannovich in 1586, subsequently lost its defensive positions but became the trade capital. It was here that merchants gathered ...
Ижевск - Река Иж

My city Izhevsk — Мой город Ижевск

Izhevsk is the largest city and capital of Udmurtia. It was founded in 1760 when a small ironworks was laid here for Count P. I. Shuvalov. The peculiarity is its pond, necessary for ...
PokerStars Чемпионат - Сочи

History of Krasnodar — История Краснодара

Before you visit the city of Krasnodar, it is better to sleep in the Kuban in advance, because this city will not let you sleep. It is warm and fragrant by the south, a wonderful, wondrous ...
Старый мост - Старый мост

Sights of Krasnoyarsk — Достопримечательности Красноярска

Krasnoyarsk, which is the most eastern of Russian millionaires, is capable of capturing the imagination of even a seasoned traveler. And itӳ not even the case that, being founded in ...
Ливадийский дворец - Дворец

Crimea is a little treasure — Крым: маленькое сокровище

Crimea is a little treasure. This is the place where nationalities, traditions, and legends unite. Where wine is filled with glasses and the surf roars on a warm summer evening … ...
Компактный автомобиль - Транспорт

Bryansk the city of military glory — Брянск: город боевой славы

The city of Bryansk was founded in 985, and on March 25, 2010, received the title of “City of military glory”. And quite worthy! So as in the year’s great Patriotic war, he defended ...
ДИВС «Уралочка» - Динамо

The history of the name of the city Yekaterinburg — История города по имени Екатеринбург

I live in Yekaterinburg. It’s an amazing city. Here, as well as in the Sverdlovsk region many interesting places. We have the highest skyscrapers in the North: Iset tower and Vysotsky ...
Почерк - Каллиграфия

The great and mighty Russian language — Великий и могучий русский язык

The Russian language is surprisingly rich and beautiful, it is the main forming core of Russian culture. Without a language, Russian culture cannot exist; therefore, every cultural ...
Майк Майерс - Принцесса фиона

Shrek is a green Ogre who married a Princess — Шрек: зеленый орк, женившийся на прицессе

Huge growth uncouth green org Shrek has become one of the most beloved characters of modern animation. Shrek is a bit rude, does not recognize any etiquette and does not want to know ...
Таможня - Таможенник

Customs service — Таможня

The main function of customs is to ensure the economic security of the country. The service acts as a kind of buffer to prevent smuggling and other illegal goods into the territory ...
Башня Лондона - Тауэрский мост

Thames is the pride of England — Темза: гордость Англии

Glorified in all its charms by Jerome K. Jerome, the Thames for England means the same thing as the Volga for Russia. It is not the longest river of its state, but besides the Volga, ...
Цветок - Доставка цветов

Flowers are the eyes of nature — Цветы: глаза природы

In order for people to enjoy life, learn to see the beauty and appreciate every moment, nature gave us flowers. Delicate, fragrant, defenseless and filled with the ease of thin petals, ...
Образовательная тропа - Пеший туризм

Walk in the park — Прогулка в парке

Our city park is small but very beautiful. At the entrance are large flower beds of different shapes, from early spring to late autumn, they are covered with a bright floral carpet. ...
Колледж - Школа

Weather in spring — Погода весной

Текст про пого­ду вес­ной на англий­ском язы­ке под назва­ни­ем “Weather in spring”. Этот топик для тре­ни­ров­ки ...
Радуга - Картинки

Why does rainbow appear — Почему появляется радуга?

After the rain, we often see such a beautiful phenomenon in the sky as a rainbow. However, not everyone knows why this attractive spectacle appears in the form of an arc of colorful ...
Джек в коробке - гамбургер

History of restaurants — История ресторанов

Restaurant — This is a word of French origin. Translated as “recovery”. The fact is that in 1765, the Parisian innkeeper Boulanger, in order to attract the attention of visitors ...
Стоковая фотография - Фотография

Summer holidays — Летние каникулы

Текст про лет­ние кани­ку­лы на англий­ском язы­ке под назва­ни­ем “Summer holidays”. Этот топик для тре­ни­ров­ки ...
Изменение климата - Климат

Climate — Климат

Everyone knows the word “climate”, but what is it and what impact does it have on our lives? Each area on Earth has its own characteristics. They are expressed in the differences ...
лес - Устойчивое лесопользование

Forest is the source of life — Лес: источник нашей жизни

Beautiful forests adorn the territory of our region. The forest is a source of life, an invaluable treasure of nature, a defender of man from an impending ecological crisis. Use the ...
Лето - Отпуск

Summer is a small life — Лето это маленькая жизнь

Текст про Лето на англий­ском язы­ке под назва­ни­ем “Summer is a small life”. Этот топик для тре­ни­ров­ки ...
Хуа Хин - Курорт

My dream hotel — Гостиница моей мечты

Tired traveler sooner or later wants to lie down and relax to regain their strength. To do this, he will need a hotel that will perfectly match his mood. So my hotel will be a hotel ...
Хеш - Тако

My favorite food — Моя любимая еда

Текст о еде на англий­ском язы­ке под назва­ни­ем “My favorite food”. Этот топик для тре­ни­ров­ки в чте­ние ...